Your search request: Which property are you looking for?

Life consists of changes.

This often includes a change of location. Would you like to change your premises, but can’t find the right property? Maybe we can help you. Simply enter your search request below, use our social media or monthly newsletter. There we present our current objects, mostly even before the official publication. You can register further down on this page.

Click here,
to see our current offers.

Suche Wohnung

We present new objects to our search clients first. Some properties are also not published afterwards, e.g. for reasons of discretion. That is why you benefit as a registered search customer with us!

  • Matching offers before the official start of marketing
  • Offers that do not appear on the official market
  • Search profile can be updated at any time
  • Free of charge and without obligation

Start your non-binding search request here:


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    Wie dürfen wir Sie kontaktieren?


    Hiermit erkläre ich mich einverstanden, dass meine eingegebenen Daten elektronisch gespeichert und zum Zweck der Kontaktaufnahme verarbeitet und genutzt werden. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen kann. Die Datenschutzerklärung habe ich dabei zur Kenntnis genommen.

    Yes, I would like to subscribe to the newsletter:

    After submitting the form, you will receive an email confirming your registration. You can unsubscribe at any time via the link in the newsletter. We send out a RE/MAX Living-Newsletter per month.

      Hiermit erkläre ich mich einverstanden, dass meine eingegebenen Daten elektronisch gespeichert und zum Zweck der Kontaktaufnahme verarbeitet und genutzt werden. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich meine Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen kann. Die Datenschutzerklärung habe ich dabei zur Kenntnis genommen.


      The fastest way for your search request –

      Just click on the icons and subscribe to our social media. There we already present the advance notices.

      Immobilie suchen
      Immobilie kaufen facebook
      Traumhaus gesucht

      The special search request:

      You would like to sell your property, but can’t find a new property of your choice?
      We have numerous contacts in the real estate sector and will be happy to find the right property for you. We accompany you up to the notary appointment and beyond.

      Contact us if you would like to take advantage of this service!

      Immobilienmaklerin München Angela Wowra Suchwunsch

      Your personal search request:

      Whether you would like to be included in our card index or have very special ideas:
      I personally take care of your request and use all the contacts that our large RE/MAX network has to offer.

      Feel free to contact me personally:

      Angela Wowra
      Phone: 089 45 67 846-0

      Do you need help with real estate? Please feel free to contact us in all matters. We provide you with competent partners in all areas. Tel. 089/4567846-0, E-mail:

      Gender clause: For better readability, the language form of the generic masculine is used on our website. It is pointed out at this point that the exclusive use of the masculine form is to be understood as gender-independent.